General information
Access to this website is conditioned to the prior reading and acceptance by any user of the terms, conditions, communications, warnings and other legal notices that are listed in all clauses
The access and subsequent use of this website by the user will imply their express, full and unreserved agreement to all of its content. Access to this website is free of charge.
Access to this website is free and viewing does not require any subscription or prior registration.
Likewise, you accept expressly and without exception that the access and use of this website, its services and the contents of these services is under your sole and exclusive responsibility.
The connections with other websites that may exist, as well as the use that the user may make are subject to these General Conditions of use, as well as any specific conditions that the aforementioned websites require. Any use other than authorized is expressly prohibited.
FREIXER may unilaterally modify, and at any time it deems appropriate, the configuration of the web, the conditions of service and its content, as well as eliminate, limit or suspend them temporarily or permanently, in addition to preventing access by seeking Inform the user of the change, whenever the circumstances allow it, through the publication on the website itself.
If the user does not agree with the content of these General Conditions of navigation, they will have to leave the web, without being able to access or have access to the services offered.
Identity of the owner of the website
CIF: B62141189
Calle Manlleu 27, 1.º
08500 – Vic (Barcelona)
Rights and obligations of the service provider
1.- As a service provider, FREIXER is obliged to provide the services offered by this website, to effectively guarantee the secrecy of any communications that may exist with the user and to respond to any claims that may arise.
2.- In the event of carrying out maintenance, repair, updating or improvement operations of the services or products offered, FREIXER has the right to temporarily suspend accessibility to this website without prior notice, and also to reserve the right to provision or cancellation of services; Even so, it will try to inform users whenever circumstances allow it, through the website itself.
3.- The use that users can make of the services and/or data and/or information that can be provided through this website will be at the user's own risk. FREIXER does not guarantee, directly or indirectly, the information or services offered, except those guarantees that by virtue of the applicable laws have to be granted or that are explicitly described in an agreement between
this FREIXER and the user.
FREIXER does not guarantee the content supplied, if appropriate, by third parties, nor does it guarantee the veracity, reliability, precision, timeliness or suitability of the information provided for the destination made by users or any other person.
4.- The intellectual property rights on this website are owned by FREIXER. The exclusive exercise of the rights of reproduction, distribution, public communication and transformation belong to the aforementioned company, without prejudice to the exercise by third parties of the right to quote.
Rights and obligations of the user
1.- At all times, the user must make lawful use of the services on this website in accordance with current legislation, and respect the intellectual property rights of FREIXER or third parties.
In this sense, the user guarantees that the activities carried out through this website will be in accordance with the law, morality, public order and good customs and in no case will they be offensive to the good name and commercial image of FREIXER, for other web users or by third parties.
2.- The user will not carry out, through the services that FREIXER has at their disposal, any action that may cause any damage or alterations to the contents, nor will they hinder the proper functioning of the website, so that it will not cause technical problems of of any kind, nor will it transfer elements capable of carrying computer viruses or of damaging, interfering or intercepting this website in whole or in part, nor will it intervene or alter the email of other users.
3.- The user's responsibility for the veracity of the data entered, in the event that he did so for any reason, is exclusive, therefore, in the event of having provided false or inaccurate data, FREIXER reserves the right to prohibit- access to this website.
Exclusion of guarantees and liability for the operation of the website and its services
1.- FREIXER does not guarantee the availability and continuity of the operation of this website and its services.
In this way, any liability for damages of any kind that may arise from the lack of availability or continuity of the operation of the website and its services and the utility that users have attributed to this website is excluded.
In any case, FREIXER will make the necessary efforts to maintain the continued availability of the website.
2.- FREIXER uses and makes available to all users of the website the personal data privacy systems that prevent access by third parties. FREIXER implemented all the necessary technical and organizational security measures that guarantee the integrity, confidentiality and availability of the personal data provided by the user.
In this sense, FREIXER disclaims all liability for damages caused in the event of any incident due to external causes.
3.- Although FREIXER has implemented all the appropriate measures to guarantee security in this matter, it does not control or guarantee the absence of viruses or other elements in the contents of this website that may cause alterations to the computer system (equipment and applications) of the user or in electronic documents and files stored in your computer system.
FREIXER disclaims any liability for damages of any kind that may be due to the presence of viruses in the contents that may cause alterations to the computer system, electronic documents, files, etc
4.- FREIXER has no obligation and does not control the use that users make of this website, the services and its contents. In particular, this company does not guarantee that users use the website, its services and its contents in accordance with these General Conditions and, if applicable, the Particular Conditions that are applicable, nor that they do so diligently and prudently.
This company also has no obligation to verify, and does not verify, the identity of users or the veracity, validity, exhaustive application and/or authenticity of the data that these users provide about themselves to others.
5.- The user accepts that the portal has been created and developed in good faith by FREIXER, with information from internal and external sources who offers it to users in its current state, although it may contain inaccuracies or errors. For this reason, the user exonerates FREIXER from any responsibility in relation to the reliability, usefulness or false expectation that the portal could produce while browsing this website.
Intellectual property
All rights to the content of this website belong to FREIXER except those of companies with whom it has signed the corresponding contract for the maintenance and provision of content and are protected by national and international intellectual and industrial property regulations.
The distinctive signs or logos of FREIXER, the design, maps, images, brands, graphics, frames, signs, programs and their various codes, source and object, etc. of this website are owned by FREIXER, which legitimately and exclusively owns the exploitation rights.
The user who accesses this website may not copy, modify, reproduce, distribute, publish, transmit, assign, sell the aforementioned elements or create new products or services derived from the information obtained without expressly citing the source.
Only viewing and downloading is authorized for the user's personal and non-commercial use, without being able to extend it to third parties or entities.
In the case of the graphics or designs that appear on this website, the ownership of which are FREIXER collaborating companies, these conditions will also apply, unless otherwise agreed.
The alteration or modification of the content or structure of this website by the user is totally prohibited.
FREIXER will ensure that the contents of this website are not pornographic, xenophobic, discriminatory, racist, defamatory or that encourage violence. Likewise, it will try to avoid any circumstance that may be detrimental to users.
Personal data protection
Through this Privacy Policy, FREIXER intends to show its commitment to comply with the regulations and legislation that derives from the processing of the information necessary for the provision of its services, and from the use of Information and Communication Technologies. In particular, FREIXER expresses its commitment to comply with regulations aimed at the protection of personal data.
In this sense, the following are considered as a frame of reference, mainly:
– Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of April 27, 2016, regarding the protection of natural persons in terms of the processing of personal data and the free circulation of these data (RGPD)
– Law 34/2002, of July 11, on services of the information society and electronic commerce (LSSI)
– Organic Law 3/2018 of December 5 on the Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights